
Some helpful links:
North Carolina Dept. of Public Safety
Phoenix Magazine
National Institute of Corrections

What We Do?

We create a roadmap for success with inmates through open communication, guidance and mentoring. The roadmap incorporates plans for acquiring new skill sets, education and numerous opportunities. 2getherwecan also identifies useful resources and programs to inform, aid and support the inmate and their family during the transition.

As we create a road map of success with the inmate, 2getherwecan also works with Correctional facilities to identify the inmates goals, strengths and weakness that allows us to better assess their skill sets and talents.

We also consider the inmates Correctional Education received during incarceration. The educational program offers a range classes from basic reading, writing, and computation skills to advanced vocational skills, which also includes training in the areas of social development and life skills. 2getherwecan seeks to extend and further this education. The goal is to provide inmates with the resources for making a worthwhile life and transition back into mainstream society.

We also explore employment opportunities and placement by seeking companies, institutions, community advocates, charitable and volunteer organizations and state programs willing to aid and support inmates and their families.